July 2023 1 8 Report
In order to circumscribe the phenomenon of moral motivation, curcio (2008) uses a convincing story: it is friday evening. the soldiers want to leave for the weekend. the commander of the company discover that, after the exercise with live ammunition, three hand grenades are missing. a certain commander stops the weekend leave and orders a search for the missing weapons.
Other commanders disagree with this action. the commander, who chooses to retain the 300 soliders, albeit with all the problems of dissatifaction and grumbling, has-what we call- responsibility motivation. he is motivated to change the situation and to ensure that children should not be exposed to the danger of an explosion. the other commanders do not have responsibility motivation.
As curcio shows, however, most commanders are at the same stage of the DIT (Defining issues test) measure (See rest,1986), the same intelligence characteristics, similar social contexts, similar status in the military force, and even similar status in the private job carrier (Switzerland has no professional army but only a public militia army) etc.
thus, if the personality constraints are the same. yet action differs so fundamentally, responsibility motivation, or moral as a general construct is at stake. interviews elicit that: all people have motives for acting or not acting (cognitive disequilibrium): all have situational knowledge for accepting or denying its seriousness: all reflect about possible consequences (cognitive equilibrium gap) some do not see the action possibilities (seeing the action as impossible): some are denying the sense if necessity (no necessity for acting) some show the will to act against resistance, some try to overcome the fear (very high emotional fear or shame blocking the action) and some do or not use their moral identity concept to balance justice, care and truthfulness in this situation. furghermore, some even show no effort aimed at accomplishing the perceived goals (No volition)

A. Answer the question as the pasaage above
1. How curcio describe the moral motivation phenomenon to the reader?
2. Why is the commander in the moral story cancelingbthe weekend leave?
3. in your opiniom, what is responsibility/moral motivation?
4. people ppssess their own reason to do or not to do,explain their motive to do or not to do an act?
5. based on the story above which one you will chose? why? explain it!​

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