Mój pokój jest zielony.w północnej części pokoju są dzwi.Z prawej strony drzwi jest łóżko.W jednum z kątów stoi cytruna.W drugim kącie stoi bjórko na kórym stoi komputer i drukarka.Koło bjórka stoi szawka na którym stoi mój telewizor.Na środku położony jest dywan.Na trzeciej ścianie wisi obraz z pierwszek komuni świętej.Koło obrazu stoi szafa do ktorej wkładam swoje ubrania. NA środku stoi solik z ozdobami.jest w nim duży żylandor.
prosze o pomoc na przetumaczenie w jęzuku angielskim.
My room is green. In the north part of the room is a door .On the right side there is a bed. In one angle there is a cytruna. In the second angle there is desk and on desk there is a computer and a printer .Nexto to desk there is a wardrobe and on it there is my telly. In the middle there is a carpet .On the third wall is located an image. Next to the the image is a a wardrobe,which I am putting my clothes in. In the middle is standing a table with decorations . There is a bih chandalier in it.
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arczi94 My room is green.In the northern part of the room are door.On the right side door is bed.In one of the angles is another corner stands cytruna. In another corner stands for computer and printer. Bjork wheel is cabinet which is my middle Tv. At Situated rug.At third wall is a picture of first communication sw. close wardrobe is an image which to put your clothes. IN the middle of the stands table with decorations . It is big Chandelier.
My room is green.In the northern part of the room are door.On the right side door is bed.In one of the angles is another corner stands cytruna.
In another corner stands for computer and
Bjork wheel is cabinet which is my middle Tv.
At Situated rug.At third wall is a picture of
first communication sw.
close wardrobe is an image which to put your clothes. IN the middle of the stands
table with decorations
It is big Chandelier.