Moglibyscie sprawdzic moja prace (bez obawy, jest krotka;-)) i ewentualnie poprawic jakies bledy? z gory dzieki ;*****
Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing to complain your product.
24th July I bought in your Internet shop dress. I was waitting for parcel 5 months, though on your website you promise that it will be in my house during 2 weeks. Parcel was in destroyed envelope which was glued.Dress should be black with white and red dots but it is yellow with green and blue dots. Furthermore I order dress in size 36 ang I get dress in size 42. I think that your shop should return me part of my money and deliver me property dreess, in right colour and right size. I look forward to hearing from you.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Sir or Madam,
I am writing, because I'm complaining of your product.
On 24th July I bought dress in your Internet shop. I was waitting for a parcel 5 months, though you promised on your website that it will be at my house during 2 weeks. The parcel was in an destroyed envelope which was glued. A dress should be black with white and red dots but it is yellow with green and blue dots. Furthermore I ordered a dress in size 36 and I got dress in size 42. I think that your shop should return me part of my money and deliver me a proper dress, in right colour and right size. I look forward to hearing from you.
Tylko parę małych błędów było :)
Wydaje mi się, że chyba dobrze.