Niepołomice są małym miastem położonym w Małopolsce 25 kilometrów od Krakowa. Ma mieszkańców 9 132. Od XIII wieku królewska osada myśliwska. Kazimierz Wielki w wieku XIV wybudował zamek królewski będący rezydencją królów polskich. Zamek jest teraz renesansowy: dziedziniec z 1673 r. Ratusz z 1902 r. kopiec Grunwaldzki usypany w latach 1910 - 1915. Pomnik Króla Kazimierza Wielkiego postawiony na jego cześć. Przedstawia jego same go z małym chłopcem, z którym wiąże się pewna legenda. Gotycki kościół z lat 1350 - 1358, pod Wezwaniem 10 tysięcy Męczenników. Rynek z fontanną przedstawiającą Justynę.
Niepolomice is a small town situated in the Malopolska region, 25 km from Krakow. Population is 9 132. From the thirteenth century royal hunting settlement. Casimir the Great in the fourteenth century king who built the castle residence of Polish kings. The castle is now the Renaissance: a courtyard with a 1673 Hall of 1902 Grunwald heap dump in the years 1910 - 1915. A statue of King Casimir the Great put in his honor. Presents him with the same little boy, which binds to a legend. The Gothic church from the years 1350 - 1358, dedicated to 10 thousand martyrs. Market with a fountain depicting Justine.
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Niepolomice is a small town situated in the Malopolska region 25 kilometers from Krakow. It has 9 132 inhabitants. From the thirteenth century royal hunting settlement. Kazimierz Wielki built in the fourteenth century royal castle, which is the seat of Polish kings. The castle is now a renaissance: courtyard - 1673. Town hall - 1902. kopiec Grunwald dump in 1910 - 1915. A statue Kazimierz Wielki (jego chyba nie trzeba tłumaczyć na ang...) is placed in his honor. presents him with a little boy, which binds to a legend. Gothic church (1350 - 1358) dedicated 10 Thousand Martyrs. market with a fountain presents Justine.
From the thirteenth century royal hunting settlement. Casimir the Great in the fourteenth century king who built the castle residence of Polish kings.
The castle is now the Renaissance: a courtyard with a 1673 Hall of 1902
Grunwald heap dump in the years 1910 - 1915. A statue of King Casimir the Great put in his honor. Presents him with the same little boy, which binds to a legend. The Gothic church from the years 1350 - 1358, dedicated to 10 thousand martyrs. Market
with a fountain depicting Justine.
From the thirteenth century royal hunting settlement. Kazimierz Wielki built in the fourteenth century royal castle, which is the seat of Polish kings.
The castle is now a renaissance: courtyard - 1673. Town hall - 1902.
kopiec Grunwald dump in 1910 - 1915. A statue Kazimierz Wielki (jego chyba nie trzeba tłumaczyć na ang...) is placed in his honor. presents him with a little boy, which binds to a legend.
Gothic church (1350 - 1358) dedicated 10 Thousand Martyrs. market with a fountain presents Justine.