PROSZĘ O POMOC , moglibyście / moglbyście poprawić tą wypowiedź usuwając błedy itp ? to angielska wersja do poprawy : On Sunday morning I went with my family to church, then still studied, ate dinner, played a little on the computer and I talked with my brother. In the afternoon we visit. They came to us my aunt uncle and their children. Me and my brother had to watch our younger cousins. We went together for a long walk, then we played cards, then surfed the Internet and in the evening we ate pizza.
After dinner, reading a book late at night and listened to music at the same time. Very happy to read a book with music. It's my hobby. With good music and interesting book I rest the best, and I can beat stress A to polska : W niedzielę przed południem poszłam z moją rodziną do kościoła, potem jeszcze się uczyłam, zjadłam obiad, grałam trochę na komputerze i pogadałam z moim bratem. Po południu mieliśmy wizytę. Przyjechali do nas moja ciocia z wujkiem i swoimi dziećmi. Ja i mój brat musieliśmy pilnować naszych młodszych kuzynów. Poszliśmy razem na długi spacer, potem graliśmy w karty, później surfowaliśmy w Internecie, a wieczorem zjedliśmy pizzę.
Po kolacji czytałam książkę do późna w nocy i słuchałam przy tym muzyki. Bardzo chętnie czytam książki przy muzyce. To moje hobby. Przy dobrej muzyce i interesującej książce odpoczywam najlepiej i mogę pokonać stres
imposiblexDOn Sunday morning I went with my family to church, then I was studying, then I ate dinner. Next I played computer games and talked with my brother. In the afternoon my aunt uncle and their children came to visit us. My brother and I had to look after our younger cousins. We went together for a long walk, then we played cards, then we surfed the Internet and in the evening we ate pizza.
After supper, I was reading a book late at the night and I was listening to music at the same time. I love reading interesting book and listenig to music. It really helps me to relax.
Teraz jest w porządku :)
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On Sunday morning I went to the church with my family. After that I was studying, ate dinner, played some computer games and talked with my brother. In the afternoon my aunt, uncle and their kids came to us. We went together for a long walk. Then we played cards, surfed in the Internet and in the evening we ate a pizza.
After dinner I was reading a book very long and I was listening to music at the same time. I like reading books with some good music. It's my hobby. With good music and interesting book I can relax and beat the stress.
After supper, I was reading a book late at the night and I was listening to music at the same time. I love reading interesting book and listenig to music. It really helps me to relax.
Teraz jest w porządku :)
After dinner I was reading a book very long and I was listening to music at the same time. I like reading books with some good music. It's my hobby. With good music and interesting book I can relax and beat the stress.