Bardzo proszę o rozwiązanie tego zadania do jutra :)
Bedziesz studiowal/a w londynie, ale nie masz jeszcze zainteresowania. Napisz do znajomego/znajomej mieszkajacego/ej w londynie list z prosba o pomoc.
-wyjasnij, dlaczego piszesz, i popros o pomoc w znalezieniu mieszkania do wynajecia.
-napisz, kiedy przyjezdrzasz do londynu i jak dlugo zostaniesz.
-sprecyzuj, jakie mieszkanie odpowiadalo by Ci i za jaka cene.
-popros o szybka odpowiedz, jesli bedzie mogla/mogl pomuc, i podziekuj
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I am writingtoyoubecause itneeds help.I'll bestudyingin Londonandwanted toask youhere isthat youhelped mefindan apartment.It must besmall.I do not havebigrequirements.Andthosethatdo notcosttoomuch.I am comingto Londoninmid-August.If you'd beableto help out,thank you very much.
Hi Matt,
I'm writing to you, because I have a problem. I'll be studying in London soon, and still I don't have a lodging. Could you help me with looking for it? I'm going to arrive to London on 7th September and I think I will be there about a month. The best apartment for me is with one-two rooms, a kitchen and a bathroom, of course. It don't have to be huge, because it's just for me. In my opinion the proper price is to 12.000 pounds. If you find some offers, write to me quickly.
Thanks in advance.