September 2018 1 25 Report

Mógłby mi ktoś sprawdzić rozprawkę z ang. Temat to Poznawanie ludzi przez media tak czy nie?

Currently, due to different ways of communication, manner of look for friends and life partners has become very different. People can use to traditional or original ways. For example newspaper or dating portal. But I am very traditional person and I think, when I will look for life partners, that will be in traditional way.

First of all when people meet yourself this one person, that will be true and more reliable, then correspondence with people, which we don`t know and see. It is very hard to tell, who sits on the other side in the real world.

An additional point in support of the debate issue is that We do not know what is the first impression after knowing a new person. And that is very important for many people. Sometimes, when we see a person, we know that we can be the best friends or something more.

On the other hand, undeniably, taking a closer look at the topic reveals that relationship people, who met by the internet or newspaper is not bad. We can not suppose that this relationship to be not successful. That will be unjustly. Many people, who met by media are together for years.

Secondly Internet and newspaper are a chance to meet new people from around the world. So, when we are from Poland and wont to meet people from another state, that is easy method.

All things considered, there is evidence both to support and refute the debate issue. Despite the fact that look for friends and life partners by internet and newspaper is very interesting and open to new experiences, it can also be very dangerous and confusion.

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