I really admire XXX. She is a very good woman (and a great actress, too). Currently she's engaged in charitable activities, and she runs an fundation "XXX". She is very generous and industrious. Despite the fact, that her life wasn't easy (her house burned up, few months later her husband suddenly died, and she has four (!) car crashes), she never didn't give up.
co do powyższego, jakby ktoś miał omysł, jak ta wpleść jeszcze opis czegoś co taosoba robiła w przeszłości (simple past & past continuous) to bym się ucieszyła
I really admire XXX. She is very good woman and great actress too. Currently she's engaged in few charitable foundation. Her own company - ,,XXX'' helps poor people in Africa. XXX is also very generous and industrious. Her life wasn't easy: her house burned up and few months later her husband suddenly died. She also had four car accidents! Although all these horrible things she never gave up and she helps people!
Jeżeli mówimy o dokonaniach osoby żyjącej należy zastosować Present Perfect, jeżeli zaś o dokonaniach osoby martwej stosujemy Past Simple, więc zakładam, że ta XXX nie żyje :)
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Niepotrzebne nawiasy i przecinek przed too. ~she had four... ~she never gave up Opis przeszłości dajesz zaraz po tym.
Her life wasn't easy: her house burned up and few months later her husband suddenly died. She also had four car accidents! Although all these horrible things she never gave up and she helps people!
Jeżeli mówimy o dokonaniach osoby żyjącej należy zastosować Present Perfect, jeżeli zaś o dokonaniach osoby martwej stosujemy Past Simple, więc zakładam, że ta XXX nie żyje :)
~she had four...
~she never gave up
Opis przeszłości dajesz zaraz po tym.