Mógłby mi ktoś napisać po angielsku recenzję jakiegoś filmu? obojętnie jakiego,byle by to nie była praca przepisana z internetu,tylko samodzielnie napisana...Bardzo mi na tym zalezy bo będę miała z tego egzamin :)) odwdzięczę się :)
jurasic park(1993) , direct by steven spielberg, is a fantasy film. The main stars are san neill and laura dern.
The film ia about a millionare who has built on an island, park with living dinosaurs. In his private laboratory , the resarches extacted dna from the blood of dinosaurs living together with them mosquitoes. He sends a group of scientist and their grandchildren to test the attractions. technical problems cause that the heroes are rapped in park with relased dinosaur!
all film is very wxciting . the special effects are amazing . the acting of the main stars are good too. i really recommend this film. the director has done it s job superbly.
jurasic park(1993) , direct by steven spielberg, is a fantasy film. The main stars are san neill and laura dern.
The film ia about a millionare who has built on an island, park with living dinosaurs. In his private laboratory , the resarches extacted dna from the blood of dinosaurs living together with them mosquitoes. He sends a group of scientist and their grandchildren to test the attractions. technical problems cause that the heroes are rapped in park with relased dinosaur!
all film is very wxciting . the special effects are amazing . the acting of the main stars are good too. i really recommend this film. the director has done it s job superbly.