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"Cześć Monica!
Teraz jestem na Międzynarodowym Obozie Sportowym w Szwajcarii, nad jeziorem Bodeńskim. Dzielę pokój z trzema dziewczynami: Sofie z UK, Pamelą z Włoch i Hannah z Belgii. Cały obóz jest podzielony na 4 grupy : A - dziewczyny w wieku 7-12 lat, B - dziewczyny w wieku 12-18, C - chłopców w wieku 7-12, D - chłopców w wieku 12-18 lat.
Mamy pobudkę o 8. O 8.45 jemy śniadanie. Po śniadaniu idziemy nad jezioro. Pływamy kajakami. Kiedy jest wiatr, uprawiamy kite-surfing.
Około 13 jemy obiad. Po obiedzie mamy godzinę dla siebie. Wtedy możemy się spotykać w pokojach.
Spotykamy się znowu o 14.30. Wtedy gramy w gry zespołowe - grupa przeciwko grupie.
O 18.30 mamy kolację. Po kolacji,o 19 mamy różnego rodzaju zabawy, zawody, gry, ogniska itd.
Bardzo mi się tu podoba, wszyscy są weseli i mili.
Może w przyszłym roku razem pojedziemy na obóz? :) .
xyz "
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Now I'mat the InternationalCampSportin Switzerland,on LakeConstance.I sharea room with threegirls: Sofiefrom the UK,Pamelafrom Italy andHannahfrom Belgium.The whole campis dividedinto 4 groups: A -girlsaged 7-12, B- girlsaged12-18,C -boys aged7-12, D -boys aged12-18years.
Wewakeat 8About8.45we eatbreakfast.After breakfastwe goto the lake.Swimkayaks.When there iswind,kite-surfinggrow.
About 13eatlunch.After lunch,we havetime foreach other.Then we canmeetin the rooms.
We meetagainat 14.30.Thenwe playa teamgame- the groupagainstgroup.
About18.30we havedinner.After dinner,we haveabout 19different types ofgames, competitions, games, campfires, etc.
I reallylike it here,everyone ischeerfuland kind.
Maybe next yearwe'll goto camptogether?:).
"Reverence Monica! Now I am in Switzerland, on the lake Bodeński at the International Sports Camp. I am sharing a room with three girls: for Sofa from UK, with Pamela from Italy and Hannah from Belgium. The entire camp is divided in 4 groups: and - girls aged 7-12, B - girls in the century 12-18, C - of boys in the century 7-12, D - of boys aged 12-18. We have a wake-up about 8. About 8.45 we are eating the breakfast. After breakfast we are going to the lake. We are sailing kayaks. When there is a wind, we are planting kite-surfing. About 13 we are having dinner. After the dinner we have an hour for ourselves. Then we can meet in rooms. We are meeting then again at 14.30. Then we are playing team games - group against the group. About 18.30 we have a supper. After the supper, about 19 we have games of different kind, competition, games, bonfires etc. Very much I here like him, everyone are cheerful and nice. Perhaps next year we will go by the time to the camp?
Myśle, że powinno być dobrze :)