Mógłby ktoś spr. czy to jest dobrze. ? Będę wdzięczna. Hi Alicja. How are you ? I hope you're fibe. I haven't wirllen to you for a long, Sorry. Just came back form my London trip and I met there an aunt when I was aou shoping. She seems very nice. The most I like her sense of humor and ideas. Together we visited the many shops and wnet to the pool. My aunt has promised me that next year will come to Polish. I hope that you will know it then.
- zamiast 'fibe' to fine'
- I'm sorry that I haven't written to you for so long.
- I've just came back .....
- zamiast 'an aunt' to 'my aunt'
- bez tego 'aou'
- shopping przez 2 'p'
- The thing I like the most about her is her sense .......
- We visited many shops together
- Poland nie Polish