Communication corner 4
Try to express the ideas in each of the following situations:
1. Zapytaj swojego znajomego z Kanady, jaki zawód chciałby wykonywad w przyszłości.
What kind of job would you like to do in the future? [przykład]
2. Wyjaśnij swojemu przyjacielowi z Anglii, jakiego zawodu i dlaczego nie chciałbyś/abyś wykonywad.
3. Zapytaj swojego kolegę z Australii, czym, jego zdaniem, powinni kierowad się ludzie przy wyborze swojego zawodu.
4. Nie zgódź się ze swoją przyjaciółką z Walii, że wysokie zarobki są ważniejsze od satysfakcji z pracy. Language tip Use: more important than
5. Zapytaj swojego znajomego z Anglii, jakie ma obowiązki w pracy.
6. Zapytaj swoją znajomą z Londynu, jakie zawody, jej zdaniem, cieszą się dzisiaj największą popularnością.
7. Opowiedz swojemu koledze ze szkoły językowej, jak przygotowałeś się do podjęcia swojej pierwszej pracy.
8. Poproś swoją koleżankę Walijkę, z którą pracujesz, o zastąpienie cię w pracy w niedzielę.
Language tip - Use: cover for
9. Wyjaśnij swojemu koledze z Australii, jakie są zalety pracy na pół etatu.
10. Podczas dyskusji w szkole językowej w Leeds wyraź swoją opinię na temat pracy podczas studiów i krótko ją uzasadnij.
11. Nie zgódź się z opinią swojej amerykaoskiej koleżanki, która twierdzi, że dobre wykształcenie jest ważniejsze niż doświadczenie zawodowe.
12. Powiedz swojemu koledze z Brighton, gdzie zazwyczaj pracują młodzi ludzie w Polsce podejmując pracę sezonową.
13. Poproś swojego angielskiego przyjaciela o pomoc w napisaniu listu motywacyjnego.
14. Opowiedz swojemu znajomemu z Kanady o przebiegu spotkania z twoim przyszłym pracodawcą.
15. Wyjaśnij pracownikowi młodzieżowego centrum pracy w Londynie, jaka praca cię interesuje.
16. Zapytaj urzędnika biura pośrednictwa pracy o wysokośd wynagrodzenia za zaproponowaną ci pracę.
17. Wyjaśnij swojej irlandzkiej koleżance, dlaczego musiałeś/aś zrezygnowad z niedawno podjętej pracy.
18. Opowiedz swoim amerykaoskim znajomym, jak poradziłeś/aś sobie z obowiązkami w pierwszym dniu pracy.
19. Poinformuj swojego walijskiego pracodawcę, w jakie dni tygodnia mógłbyś/mogłabyś u niego pracowad.
20. Zapytaj swojego kolegę obcokrajowca, jaki jest poziom bezrobocia w jego kraju.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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2. I don't want to be a mechanic. This job isn't well paid and i don't have fun with it. There's a lot of another jobs that i can do.
3.What's in your opinion the most important when you choose your job?
4.I don't agree that big salary is more important than satisfaction of your job.
5.What obligations do you have in your job ?
6.What jobs in your opinion are the most popular nowadays ?
7.I want to tell you how i got ready to my first job. Obviously i had to put on elegant clothes. You know i wanted to look great. Then i showed to my boss how good i am. He saw my reference and agreed to accomodate me.
8.Could you go instead of me and relivie me on Sunday in job ?
9.There's a lot of advanteges working on part-time job. You can employ yourself somewhere else and you can work in another job. If you don't want to so you have more free time.
10.I think working while you're studying isn't good idea for all people. For example if you study something challenging subjects you have to learn a lot, but if you feel good and subject what you study is your competency you can go to work too.
11.I don't agree that higher education is more important than proffesional experience.
12.In Poland young people working on casual work usually reap vegetables or fruits or work as a builders.
13.Could you help me with writing a motivational list ?
14.I met with my employer. He's really relaxed and easy-going person. He seems to be a good boss and he can get around on everything.
15.I am inerested to be a musician.
16.What is the salary of job that you oferred ?
17.I had to quit from my last job because everyday when i ended my work i feel really tired.
18.I was really relaxed in my first day in new job. I met a lot of people so i was happy too. That's how i got around on my first day.
19.I can work only on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays.
20.What's the level of unemployment in your country?
2. When it comes to choosing a job I need to tell you that I would never want to be a cop. Its too dangerous and I want to reach my retirement.
3. Steve, can you tell me what matters should be considered in choosing a profession?
4. I dont agree with you that high wages are more important than job satisfaction. In my opinion we should do what we love, otherwise half of our life will be just wasted and we for sure would not give our best in that kind of job.
5.What are yours job duties?
6. Mary, can you tell me what professions are most popular nowadays? I would like to hear your opinion.
7. My first job? It was hard. As you know I'm a translator. Before I started my work in this profession I had to read a dictionary three times!! But now I know it was worth my time. I'm best in my job.
8. Mary, I have a request for you.. Could you cover for me in Sunday..?
9. Half-time job has many advantages. You return home earlier, you have more time for family and studing and in top of that you earn some money each month!!
10. Work during schollyear is really essential for a student. He need to have money to cover paymants, ex. for hostel, meals, buying books or bus tickets. Without those money it woud be hard for his/her family to pay for that..
11. I dont agree with you. In my opinion experience is more important than good education, because employers rather hire experienced people than noobies just after graduating. Moreover for sure tou can earn more if you have a job experience and you worked in that kind of job before.
12. Young people in Poland working in restaurants, pubs. Sometimes they collecting crops abroad. These are the most popular season jobs I think.
13. Simon can you help me write my application letter? I know you wrote that letter before.. I will appreciate any help.
14. I meet my eployer 2 days ago. We talked about my job and my duties. He seemed to be very kind and calm person. I think he liked me and my style. I'm sure it will be a great pleasure to work in his company.
15. Work that fits me most is working as a waiter in local bar or pubs. I'm cheerful and know how to talk with people.
16. Yes, but I would like to know how much will I earn per month?
17. I had to give up my last job... Why? Its easy, I found a better one. Now I can earn twice as before.
18. In my first day in work all seemed to be so hard. Fortunately I had a friend, who show me everything. With his help I was able to make through that day.
19. I can work in weekdays from Monday to Friday. Sometimes I could work in weekends to. Im sure we can find best solution for both of us.
20. What is unemployment level in your country