Podczas pobytu na szkolnej wycieczce silnie się przeziębiłeś/łaś i nie będziesz mógł/mogła w terminie oddać bardzo ważnej, dodatkowej pracy domowej z języka angielskiego. Napisz e-mail do swojego anglojęzycznego nauczyciela, w którym: - przeprosisz za zaistniałą sytuację; - wytłumaczysz co Ci dolega; - obiecasz oddać pracę po powrocie do zdrowia; - poprosisz o pozdrowienie kolegów i koleżanek z grupy językowej. Podpisz się XYZ. Praca powinna zawierać od 100-150 słów. Bardzo proszę o pomoc, potrzebne na teraz, z góry dziękuję :D Dam naj :D
Hello Mr Douglas I am writing to apologise for not handing in my homework on time. Last week I had an accident while riding a bike. I fell from the bike and broke my right arm. I went to the clinic and they had my arm put in a cast. As you may know I'm right-handed and I can't write with my left hand. When my cast is removed I will do the assigned homework and hand it in. I hope you can understand my situation now. Could you also please say hello to my classmates from the language course and explain to them why I have missed the classes? Best Wıshes XYZ
I am writing to apologise for not handing in my homework on time. Last week I had an accident while riding a bike. I fell from the bike and broke my right arm. I went to the clinic and they had my arm put in a cast. As you may know I'm right-handed and I can't write with my left hand. When my cast is removed I will do the assigned homework and hand it in. I hope you can understand my situation now. Could you also please say hello to my classmates from the language course and explain to them why I have missed the classes?
Best Wıshes