Może mi to ktoś przetłumaczyć na język angielski?bardzo proszę o pomoc daje naj;D Do starego domu, położonego na odludziu wprowadza się kobieta – Grace Stewart, z dwójką dzieci Nicholasem oraz Anne. Niedługo po wprowadzeniu się do domu, Grace odwiedzają dziwni ludzie, ale ponieważ są zainteresowani służbą, kobieta pozwala im zostać. Jej dzieci cierpią na rzadką chorobę, maja one alergię na słońce. Pewnego dnia Anne skarży się mamie oraz swojemu bratu Nicholasowi, że widzi małego chłopca Victora, który nie chce by rodzina mieszkała w tym domu, jednak matka nie chce jej uwierzyć. Jedyną osobą która wierzy dziewczynce jest służąca
To old house, laid on secluded spot woman introduces – Grace Stewart, with children's dwójką Nicholasem as well as Anne. Soon after introduction oneself to house, odd men visit Grace, but because service be interested, woman permits them to become. Her children suffer on thin disease, May they allergy on...
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The old house, situated in a remote area shall be a woman - Grace Stewart, with two children Nicholas and Anne. Shortly after entering the house, Grace visiting strange people, but because they are interested in service, she allows them to be. Her children suffer from a rare disease, they are allergic to the sun. One day Anne complains to his mother and brother Nicholas, that he saw a little boy Victor, who does not want that family lived in this house, but his mother did not want to believe her. The only person who believes the girl is a maid
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To an old house, that is in a seclusion moves in a woman named Grace Stewart with her children Nicholas and Annie. Not long after they've moved in strange people started to visit their house. Grace was letting them in because they where cleaners . Grace's children are sick for a rare sickness that is allergy for the sun. One day Annie tells mom and Nicholas that there is a small boy that she see's named Victor that doesn't want the family to live in the house. But Grace doesn't want to believe her. The only person that believes the girl is the cleaner.