Zad 2 str 25 pod. j. angielski 1 gimnazjum i zad 3 ułóż pytania i odpowiedzi na nie zgodnie z prawdą przykład you/ a bratcher? have you got a brother? yes, i have. 1.your teacher/ dark hair eyes 3 your best friend/ a sister a dog 5.your friends/ mobile phones
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I jak na mapie dostać się z karpacza z hotelu izabela na śnieżke proszę:)
1. Have your teacher a dark hair?
2. Have you a brown eyes?
3. Have your best friend a sister?
4. Have you a dog?
5. Have your friends a mobile phone?
A odpowiedzi musisz sama bo to chodzi o cb:)
1. Have your teacher a dark hair? Yes, i have.
2. Have you a brown eyes? not i have
3. Have your best friend a sister? yes, i have
4. Have you a dog? not, a have
5. Have your friends a mobile phone? yes, i have