Minta tolong bantuin jawab bahasa inggris dan jawabannya harus benar,caranya mengerjakanya seperti menjodohkan kata gitu..dan mencari tahu apa yang sedang di bicarakan pada kalimat pendapat tersebut..
Movie book hotel museum monorail restauran
kalimat di bawah ini adalah pendapat,kita di suruh menjawab sesuai yang di sebutkan dengan kalimat di atas:
1 Tthe space was very cramped and people kept on pushing. i think they should ask people to queue up. 2. The room was not so good.i felt cheated. 3. I totally agree with you that the chairs are of the low quality of the rooms. 4. As far i am concerned, i will never come here again. the service was not so good. 5. you are right,the artifacts are arranged in the most amazing manner. 6. I agree this director knows how to get his audience angaged
6 movie 3 book 2 hotel 5 museum 1 monorail 4 restaurant
0 votes Thanks 2
1. Monorail 2. Hotel 3. Hotel 4. Hotel 5. Museum 6. Movie
2. Hotel
3. Hotel
4. Hotel
5. Museum
6. Movie