Min. 15 zdań ( fajnie by było więcej) na temat konstytucji 3 maja. Ma to być w j.angielskim! Bardzo proszę o pomoc daje naj!
The Constitution of May 3 (actually Government Act of 3 May) - enacted May 3, 1791 law regulating legal system of the Republic of Two Nations. It is generally accepted that the Constitution of May 3 was the first in Europe and second in the world (after the American Constitution of 1787), a modern written constitution . Some, however, recognize the constitution of 1710 Philip Orlik, or Corsican constitution of 1755, the first in the world and thus for the second American and Polish-Lithuanian for a third. The Constitution of May 3 was set up by government law adopted by parliament that day. It was designed to address long-standing deficiencies of the current political system of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth and its golden freedom. The Constitution introduced political equalization of citizens and nobles, and placed the peasants under state protection, thus overcoming the worst abuse of serfdom. The Constitution abolished pernicious institutions such as the liberum. Daj najjjj...
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