September 2018 1 26 Report

zadanie 1.

Complete with MUSN'T, NEED(S) to or NEEDN'T and these verb.

{ book, forget, go, have, look, start, stay, stop}

1. He ___ his eyes tested because reading gives him a headache.

2. We ___ a table- the restaurant is never full.

3. I ___ up too late- I've got an exam tomorrow.

4. She ___ taking malaria tabletes before she goes to India.

5. There's plenty of food in the fridge, so you ___ to the supermarket.

6. I ___ at the road map because I know the way.

7. You ___ to lock the door when you leave.

8. We ___ at a garage before we run out of petrol.

zadanie 2.

You're waitnig for a friend to join you at a gig, but she's very late. Talk about what could/might have happened to her.

get the date wrong

A She could have got the date wrong.

B Yes, she might have got the date wrong.

1. lose the address

2. forget about it

3. feel too tired

4. go to another gig

5. miss the bus

6. decide not to come

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