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Sorry I haven't been in touch recently, but I had to move to a new apartment, and it took all my free time! I'm finally sitting in my room, so I decided to send you a quick note.
My apartment is located in a beautiful part of Wrocław, very close to the botanical garden. It's in one of those old buildings I showed you when you last visited.
I really like the fact that I basically live next to a bus stop. I can get into any part of the city very fast. There is a very cute coffeeshop downstairs (I live on the second floor) where I like to hang out and work on my computer.
The building I live in is pretty old and hasn't been renovated in years, which worries me a little bit. But hey, what can you do! At least the apartment is great -- spacious, clean, and well-furnished. I live with 2 other people, everyone has their own bedroom, we also have a nice kitchen, a bathroom, and a small living room. There are a lot of plants and a few pictures on the wall.
You will see it next time you're here! Let me know what you are up to!