Chcesz kupić dom lub mieszkanie w Wielkiej Brytanii. Znajdujesz w gazecie ogłoszenie prezentujące nieruchomość, która Cie interesuje. Napisz list do agencji, która je zamieściła. *Określ, jaki rodzaj domu/mieszkania chcesz kupić i powołaj się na ogłoszenie. *Zapytaj o odległość od środków komunikacji miejskiej i sklepów. *Zapytaj o co najmniej dwa interesujące Cię elementy wyposażenia domu. *Zapytaj o możliwości uprawiania sportów i dostęp do rozrywek kulturalnych w okolicy. Pamiętaj o zachowaniu formy i stylu listu. Nie umieszczaj żadnych adresów. Długość listu 120-150 słów. PILNE!!:-)
To: Thomas Winters Address: United Kingdom From: I read your advertisement in a newspaper of a house in the UK and I want to know where the rooms, how big are the rooms that is a big kitchen and the size of a kitchen. I also wanted to know if you live far away from the shopping center and other shops. I also wanted to ask if the house features a fireplace and large balcony. I am also interested in whether the surroundings are the place to play sports. I am very interested in this apartment and I want to get as much information about it. If you could it asked me about the pictures and the state of housing in which they find.
Address: United Kingdom
I read your advertisement in a newspaper of a house in the UK and I want to know where the rooms, how big are the rooms that is a big kitchen and the size of a kitchen. I also wanted to know if you live far away from the shopping center and other shops. I also wanted to ask if the house features a fireplace and large balcony. I am also interested in whether the surroundings are the place to play sports. I am very interested in this apartment and I want to get as much information about it. If you could it asked me about the pictures and the state of housing in which they find.
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