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" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Anna
I am welcoming you warmly, very much I would like to describe my city in which I was brought up for you and I live up till today. Zelów he is a small small town lies by Bełchatów. Zelów he is a multiethnic commune here communities are: Polish, Czech, Jewish and German, their Protestant congregations and churches are also here which curious about the May architektore and stories. Czech brothers have even their museum. During the entire year here numerous cultural events are held. My city is charming and quiet, people sa kind. In the centre a park in which inhabitants are meeting mainly is young people. Many interesting places in which everyone can find what he is searching for are in my city. Nearby a body of water is located „TWOJA_MIEJSCOWOSC/MIASTO’’ with adjoining to it scout hostel it is possible here to spend time kindly for the round year. I cannot wait when you will visit me.
I am greeting TWOJE_IMIE!