Miałeś odwiedzić kolegę w Anglii ale zgubiłeś dokumenty.Napisz do niego wiadomość:-przeproś że nie możesz przyjechać. - poinformuj o zgubieniu dokumentów. - napisz ile czasu będziesz czekać na nowe dokumenty. - zapytaj o możliwość przyjazdu w innym terminie.
I have got not very nice news. I am sorry but I can't come to visit you at this time. I am really sorry about that. But it wasn't planned. I have lost all my documents so I won't be able to cross the border without my passport or ID card. I have to wait for new documents about 4 weeks. I also have to re-book my ticket for another time. I regret I won't meet you this time. I hope you don't mind if I will come the other day. Please let me know when I can come to visit you. I am sorry for any inconvinience.
Hi Mathew,
I have got not very nice news. I am sorry but I can't come to visit you at this time. I am really sorry about that. But it wasn't planned. I have lost all my documents so I won't be able to cross the border without my passport or ID card. I have to wait for new documents about 4 weeks. I also have to re-book my ticket for another time. I regret I won't meet you this time. I hope you don't mind if I will come the other day. Please let me know when I can come to visit you. I am sorry for any inconvinience.
I hope to hear from you as soon as possible
Your sincerely
Hello. Sorry, but i lost documents. I will wait about 2 weeks for new one,so you must wait.Can i come tto you next time?