Uzupełnij tekst wyrazami z ramki.
wyrazy z ramki to: most, than, best, tallest, friendliest, the
Kenzo is 11 and his brother, Miki, is 13. Kenzo is good at football. He's crazy about football! He's the ....... football player in his class. Miki is taller ......... Kenzo. He's the .......... boy in school and he's in the basketball team. I think Miki is ....... fittest. Kenzo ist the ........... generous person I know, and he's the .......... He's got a lot of friends, and he loves parties.
Ułóż pytania z podanych wyrazów.
1. who/be/most generous
2. who/be/shortest
3. who/have/got/longest hair
4. who/be/most talkative
5. who/be/oldest
6. who/ have/got/ messiest room
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Kenzo is 11 and his brother, Miki, is 13. Kenzo is good at football. He's crazy about football! He's the best football player in his class. Miki is taller than Kenzo. He's the tallerst boy in school and he's in the basketball team. I think Miki is the fittest. Kenzo is the most generous person I know, and he's the friendliest. He's got a lot of friends, and he loves parties.
1. Who is the most generous?
2. Who is the shortest?
3. Who has got the longest hair?
4. Who is the most talkative?
5. Who is the oldest?
6. Who has got the messiest room?