September 2018 1 50 Report
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Riding a bicycle is a great way to get around.bicycle are quiet, fun to ride, and you don't need gas or electricity to make them go. you just use the power of your legs. bicycle have two wheels. one wheel is in front of the other. you swing your legs over the bike, sit down and start pedaling. the heart of every bicycle is its frame. most bicycle have frames made. of thin metal tubes. the best frames are light and strong. a seat called a saddle, is in the middle of the frame. you can make the seat higher or lower. bicycle wheesl usually have wire spokes. spokes help the wheel keep its round shape. inflatable tires fit on the wheels. the wheels have brakes for work. pedals and a chain make a bike go. you put your feet on the pedals and push. the pedals go around and around. the turning pedals move a chain. the chaind goes to the back wheel. the chain goes around a part called a cog. the moving chain makes the cog on the back wheel turn. most bicycle have a gearshift attached to the frame or the handlebars. bikessually have from 5 to 27 gears. bicycle gears have apart called a derailleur. the derailleur shifts the chain to lower or higher gears. you use a lever to shift gears. you use low gears for going up a hill. you use high gears for going faster, usually on flat roads or downholl. 21. why can bicycle seat be made higher or lower? a. to fit with rider's body b. to have fun ride c. in order to make the brakes work d. located in the middle of the frame e. to be able to ruun smoothly mohon di jawab kira kira ap ya isian yang benar?? pleees di jawab. . .
riding a bicycle is a great way to get around.bicycle are quiet, fun to ride, and you don't need gas or electricity to make them go. you just use the power of your legs. bicycle have two wheels. one wheel is in front of the other. you swing your legs over the bike, sit down and start pedaling. the heart of every bicycle is its frame. most bicycle have frames made. of thin metal tubes. the best frames are light and strong. a seat called a saddle, is in the middle of the frame. you can make the seat higher or lower. bicycle wheesl usually have wire spokes. spokes help the wheel keep its round shape. inflatable tires fit on the wheels. the wheels have brakes for work. pedals and a chain make a bike go. you put your feet on the pedals and push. the pedals go around and around. the turning pedals move a chain. the chaind goes to the back wheel. the chain goes around a part called a cog. the moving chain makes the cog on the back wheel turn. most bicycle have a gearshift attached to the frame or the handlebars. bikessually have from 5 to 27 gears. bicycle gears have apart called a derailleur. the derailleur shifts the chain to lower or higher gears. you use a lever to shift gears. you use low gears for going up a hill. you use high gears for going faster, usually on flat roads or downholl. 21. why can bicycle seat be made higher or lower? a. to fit with rider's body b. to have fun ride c. in order to make the brakes work d. located in the middle of the frame e. to be able to ruun smoothly mohon di jawab kira kira ap ya isian yang benar??

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