Kita sering melihat orang berolahraga di taman kota atau alun-alun kota. Ada yang jalan cepat, joging, bersepeda, atau melakukan latihan pernapasan. Latihan didefinisikan sebagai setiap gerakan yang membuat otot Anda bekerja dan mengharuskan tubuh Anda untuk membakar kalori. Mengapa begitu banyak orang melakukan itu?
Olahraga bisa membuat kita merasa lebih bahagia. Olahraga telah terbukti memperbaiki suasana hati Anda dan mengurangi perasaan depresi, kecemasan, dan stres. Olahraga dapat meningkatkan produksi endorfin, yang diketahui membantu menghasilkan perasaan positif dan mengurangi persepsi rasa sakit. Dengan demikian, berolahraga secara teratur dapat meningkatkan mood kita dan mengurangi perasaan cemas dan depresi.
Olahraga juga dapat meningkatkan tingkat energi kita dan baik untuk otot dan tulang kita. Satu studi yang lebih tua menemukan bahwa 6 minggu olahraga teratur mengurangi perasaan lelah untuk 36 orang yang telah melaporkan kelelahan terus-menerus. Ini berarti terlibat dalam aktivitas fisik secara teratur meningkatkan tingkat energi kita. Selain itu, olahraga memainkan peran penting dalam membangun dan mempertahankan otot dan tulang yang kuat. Ini karena olahraga membantu melepaskan hormon yang meningkatkan kemampuan otot Anda untuk menyerap asam amino. Ini membantu mereka tumbuh dan mengurangi kerusakan mereka.
Satu hal lagi, olahraga dapat meningkatkan fungsi otak dan melindungi daya ingat dan kemampuan berpikir. Pertama-tama, itu meningkatkan detak jantung kita, yang meningkatkan aliran darah dan oksigen ke otak kita. Hal ini juga dapat merangsang produksi hormon yang meningkatkan pertumbuhan sel-sel otak.
Pertanyaan :
kata benda umum
Kata kerja dalam simple present tense
Kata kerja tindakan
Istilah teknis
Menghubungkan kata-kata
suara pasif
tolong kakak bantu saya,,jangan asal asalan ya kakak
We often see people exercising in a park or town square. There is brisk walking, jogging, biking, or doing breathing exercises. Exercise is defined as any movement that makes your muscles work and requires your body to burn calories. Why do so many people do that?
Exercise can make us feel happier. Sport has been shown to improve your mood and reduce feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress. Exercise can increase the production of endorphins, which are known to help generate positive feelings and reduces pain perception. Thus, regular exercise can improve our mood and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.
Exercise can also boost our energy levels and good for our bones and muscles. One older study found that 6 weeks of regular exercise reduces feelings of fatigue for 36 people who had reported persistent fatigue. This means engaging in regular physical activity increases our energy levels. In addition, exercise plays an important role in building and maintaining strong bones and muscles. This is because exercise helps release hormones that increase the ability of your muscles to absorb amino acids. It helps them grow and reduce their damage.
One more thing, exercise can improve brain function and protect memory and thinking ability. First of all, it increases our heart rate, which increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain. It can also stimulate the production of hormones that promote the growth of brain cells.
Question :
common noun:Sepeda (bicycle)
The verb in the simple present tense:Exercise allso our promote regular
An action verb:bersepeda (bicycle) increases production
Technical termsEndorfin oxygen reduce damage flow
Linking words (,) it that can which the of that we
passive voice: exercise can allso boost our energy levels.
Translate to English:
Why We Need to Exercise?
We often see people exercising in a park or town square. There is brisk walking, jogging, biking, or doing breathing exercises. Exercise is defined as any movement that makes your muscles work and requires your body to burn calories. Why do so many people do that?
Exercise can make us feel happier. Sport has been shown to improve your mood and reduce feelings of depression, anxiety, and stress. Exercise can increase the production of endorphins, which are known to help generate positive feelings and reduces pain perception. Thus, regular exercise can improve our mood and reduce feelings of anxiety and depression.
Exercise can also boost our energy levels and good for our bones and muscles. One older study found that 6 weeks of regular exercise reduces feelings of fatigue for 36 people who had reported persistent fatigue. This means engaging in regular physical activity increases our energy levels. In addition, exercise plays an important role in building and maintaining strong bones and muscles. This is because exercise helps release hormones that increase the ability of your muscles to absorb amino acids. It helps them grow and reduce their damage.
One more thing, exercise can improve brain function and protect memory and thinking ability. First of all, it increases our heart rate, which increases blood flow and oxygen to the brain. It can also stimulate the production of hormones that promote the growth of brain cells.
Question :
common noun:Sepeda (bicycle)
The verb in the simple present tense:Exercise allso our promote regular
An action verb:bersepeda (bicycle) increases production
Technical termsEndorfin oxygen reduce damage flow
Linking words (,) it that can which the of that we
passive voice: exercise can allso boost our energy levels.
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