Once upon a time there lived a child named Mei Mei who was usually called Meilin, Meilin was an obedient child to her parents but she & her friends liked a boyband group called 4 Town when they heard they were going to visit Toronto. Meilin was very happy, Meilin asked her mother for permission to go. there but he was afraid to say it finally he got up the courage and asked his mother for permission to go to the concert but unfortunately his mother did not allow him meilin was very angry with his mother even though he always did his mother's orders, the next day meilin suddenly became a red panda he was very scared then her mother explains their family history, meilin is very angry with her ancestor Sun Yee, her mother tells that meilin wants the red panda to disappear he has to do a ritual during a lunar eclipse, he gets nervous at school but over time he got used to his friends liking meilin because of the red panda he was able to make money to go to the concert but when it was announced that the arrival schedule of 4 towns collided with the meilin ritual he panicked & suddenly he became a cruel monster Meilin's mother came and seeing this incident he scolded meilin's friends when the ritual was carried out he didn't want to lose the red panda then he said to his mother that he would defend his red panda his mother was angry and chased meilin lucky with the help of family friends and 4 towns meilin's mother survived that day and in the end their life is happy forever
Once upon a time there lived a child named Mei Mei who was usually called Meilin, Meilin was an obedient child to her parents but she & her friends liked a boyband group called 4 Town when they heard they were going to visit Toronto. Meilin was very happy, Meilin asked her mother for permission to go. there but he was afraid to say it finally he got up the courage and asked his mother for permission to go to the concert but unfortunately his mother did not allow him meilin was very angry with his mother even though he always did his mother's orders, the next day meilin suddenly became a red panda he was very scared then her mother explains their family history, meilin is very angry with her ancestor Sun Yee, her mother tells that meilin wants the red panda to disappear he has to do a ritual during a lunar eclipse, he gets nervous at school but over time he got used to his friends liking meilin because of the red panda he was able to make money to go to the concert but when it was announced that the arrival schedule of 4 towns collided with the meilin ritual he panicked & suddenly he became a cruel monster Meilin's mother came and seeing this incident he scolded meilin's friends when the ritual was carried out he didn't want to lose the red panda then he said to his mother that he would defend his red panda his mother was angry and chased meilin lucky with the help of family friends and 4 towns meilin's mother survived that day and in the end their life is happy forever