Membuat kalimat menggunakan Perfect Tense (Positif, Negatif, dan Introgative) . a. Mereka ...... .. catur selama dua jam. (Bermain) (+) (-) (?)
b. Putri ...... ... cerita pendek sejak pukul tujuh. (Write) (+). (-). (?)
c.Mr. Smith .......... mobilnya sejak semalam. (Drive) (+) (-) (?)
1. (+)They have played chess for two hours (-)They have not played chess for two hours (?)have they played chess for two hours ?
2.(+)Putri has written short story since seven o'clock (-)Putri has not written short story since seven o'clock (?)Has putri written short story since seven o'clock ?
3.(+)Mr.Smith has driven his car since overnight (-)Mr.Smith has not driven his car since overnight (?)Has Mr.Smith driven his car overnight?
(-)They have not played chess for two hours
(?)have they played chess for two hours ?
2.(+)Putri has written short story since seven o'clock
(-)Putri has not written short story since seven o'clock
(?)Has putri written short story since seven o'clock ?
3.(+)Mr.Smith has driven his car since overnight
(-)Mr.Smith has not driven his car since overnight
(?)Has Mr.Smith driven his car overnight?