dirigiendonos hacia la finca nos pudimos encontrar con un hermoso paisaje el cual aún no se despejaba, el camino fue largo, nos encontramos con un cafetal el cual ya tenía sus frutos. al llegar a la finca nos recibieron con un delicioso y apetitoso desayuno que consistía en arroz, pescado frito, y tajadas de plátano maduro fritas con un delicioso chocolate caliente. luego tuvimos una grata compañía de un hermoso gavilán que visitaba muy seguido el lugar alimentadose de pequeños peces cazaba mientras pasaba por allí. luego bajamos a un pequeño lago para pescar y estos lago eran artificiales
Going to the farm we could find a beautiful landscape that still did not clear, the road was long, we found a coffee plantation which already had its fruits.
Upon arriving at the farm we were greeted with a delicious and appetizing breakfast consisting of rice, fried fish, and fried ripe banana slices with delicious hot chocolate.
then we had a pleasant company of a beautiful hawk who often visited the place fed on small fish hunted while passing by.
then we went down to a small lake to fish and these lake were artificial
Going to the farm we could find a beautiful landscape that still did not clear, the road was long, we found a coffee plantation which already had its fruits.
Upon arriving at the farm we were greeted with a delicious and appetizing breakfast consisting of rice, fried fish, and fried ripe banana slices with delicious hot chocolate.
then we had a pleasant company of a beautiful hawk who often visited the place fed on small fish hunted while passing by.
then we went down to a small lake to fish and these lake were artificial