El Soba se hace con harina de alforfón y el Udon, con harina de trigo. Se sirven en caldo o con salsa, El Sukiyaki se prepara directamente en la mesa, cocinando carne de ternera cortada en rodajas finas y verduras picadas, tofu y fideos. La Tempura consiste en ingredientes fritos en aceite vegetal, como gambas, pescado o verduras, previamente sumergidos en una mezcla de huevo, agua y harina de trigo.
¡Notificar abuso!
1. Soba is made with buckwheat flour and Udon from wheat flour. Served in broth or gravy,
2. Sukiyaki is prepared right at the table, cooking meat beef cut into thin slices and chopped vegetables, tofu and noodles.
3. The Tempura is fried in vegetable oil ingredients such as shrimp, fish or vegetables, previously immersed in a mixture of egg, water and wheat flour.
2. Sukiyaki is prepared right at the table, cooking meat beef cut into thin slices and chopped vegetables, tofu and noodles.
3. The Tempura is fried in vegetable oil ingredients such as shrimp, fish or vegetables, previously immersed in a mixture of egg, water and wheat flour.