Match the words with thier definitions. 1.destroy 2.disaster 4.speed 5.machinery 6.pollution 7.tidal wave 8.aerial map 9.nod 10.shape move ypur head first downwards and then upwards to answer "Yes" to a guestion or to show tat you agree or understand damage something so badly that it can no onger be used c.the act of making the air water etc. dirty and dangerous event that causes a lot of harm or damage e.a picture taken from an aricraft f.a group of people who work together g.machines in general h.the rate at which someone or something moves i.a very large wave in the sea,which destroys things when it reaches the land and is often caused by an eartquake j.something that has a partucular outline or outer from e.g. a square
ewkamarshall1. b) 2. d) 3. f) 4. h) 5. g) 6. c) 7. i) 8. e) 9. a) 10. j)
2. d)
3. f)
4. h)
5. g)
6. c)
7. i)
8. e)
9. a)
10. j)