Mam prośbę...przetłumaczy to ktoś?-„Step up” jest filmem muzycznym. Wyreżyserowała go Anna Fletcher. Głównymi bohaterami są Tyler Gage i Nora Clark. Obraz opowiada o szkole, w której uczy się dwoje młodych ludzi z wybitnym talentem do tańca „Hip Hopu”. Tyler jest chłopcem z ubogiej rodziny , a Nora jest bogatą jedynaczką. Nora Clark już będąc dzieckiem marzyła o karierze tancerki. Jej rodzice, przedstawiciele amerykańskiej wyższej klasy średniej, opłacili jej lekcje baletu. Obecnie dziewczyna jest uczennicą ostatniej klasy prestiżowej Maryland School of The Arts. Właśnie przygotowuje się do bardzo ważnego występu, który może stać się przepustką do profesjonalnej kariery. Tyler Gage to dobry chłopak, który wychował się w ubogiej dzielnicy wśród złodziei samochodów. Ma ogromny talent do tańca. Za zdemolowanie sali teatralnej w szkole zostaje skazany na 200 godzin prac społecznych w tym miejscu. Partner Nory zostaje kontuzjowany, po czym dziewczyna zauważa tego wybitnego ubogiego chłopca jako wybitnego i idealnego partnera na zastępstwo do tańca. Po pewnym czasie Tyler i Nora zaprzyjaźniają się ze sobą i przystępują wspólnej pracy nad tańcem. Po wielu dniach ćwiczeń dwoje młodych tancerzy przystępuje do konkursu przed wieloma znanymi i sławnymi ludźmi. Wygrywają konkurs, przy czym zwracają na siebie wielką uwagę i przyciągają do siebie innych. Oboje dostają propozycje tańca oraz mają szansę na wielką karierę. Szkoła jest z nich bardzo dumna, a Tyler, zostając zwolnionym z odpracowywania zdemolowania sali, spełnia swoje marzenia tańcząc. Myślę, że „Step up” jest warty obejrzenia nie tylko przez nastolatków. Moim zdaniem film bardzo przyciąga widzów i zaciekawia swoją treścią. Ten film bardzo mi się spodobał i polecam go obejrzeć.
"Step Up" is a film musical. Anne Fletcher directed it. The main characters are Tyler Gage and Nora Clark. The image is about the school, which teaches the two young people with talent to dance "Hip Hop". Tyler is a boy from a poor family, Nora is the only daughter of the rich. Nora Clark when she was a child she dreamed of a career as a dancer. Her parents, representatives of the American upper middle class, paid for her ballet lessons. Currently, she is a student last class of the prestigious Maryland School of the Arts. Just preparing for a major performance, which may become a ticket to a professional career.Tyler Gage is a good boy who grew up in a poor neighborhood among car thieves. Has a great talent for dancing. Be demolished theater hall in the school is sentenced to 200 hours of community service in this space. Nora's partner is injured, and she notes that the poor boy famous as an outstanding and replacement of an ideal partner for the dance. After some time, Tyler and Nora make friends with each other and work together to join the dance. After many days of training two young dancers enter a contest against many well-known and famous people. Win the contest, but pay great attention to each other and attract each other. Both proposals are given a chance to dance and have the great career. The school is very proud of them, and Tyler fulfills his dream of dancing. I think that "Step Up" is worth seeing not only by teenagers. In my opinion, a movie attracts curious spectators and their content. This film I highly recommend it, and liked to watch.
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"Grassland up” it is musical film. Ann staged him Fletcher. Tyler are main heroes Gage and Nora Clark. Painting tells about school at which learns two men's young with prominent talent to dance "Hip Hopu”. Tyler is from poor family boy , and Nora is rich only child. Hole already being Clark dreamt about dancer's career child. Her parents, representatives of American higher class of average, they bribed her lessons of ballet. Girl is pupil at present ostatniej prestige class Maryland School of The Arts. It prepares to very important performance just, which can stand to professional career with pass. Tyler Gage this the good boy who brought up in poor district among thieves of cars. My huge talent to dance. For it demolishing at school theatrical hall it becomes sentenced on 200 hours of social works in this place. Nory's partner becomes injured, for what girl notices this prominent poor boy as prominent and ideal partner on substitution to dance. After sure time Tyler and they make friends with me Nora and they approach common work over dance. After many days practices two approach to competition dancers' young before many well-known and famous men. They win competition, they near what pay back on me great attention and they attract to me different. Both receive the proposals of dance as well as they have on great career chance. The school is with them very proud, and Tyler, becoming free of charge from making up the demolishing the hall, it fulfils his dreams dancing. I think, that "Grassland up” it is the guard of look round by teenagers not only. My sentence film attracts spectators very and it intrigues with one's content. This film spodobał me very and I command him to look at.
Nora Clark when she was a child she dreamed of a career as a dancer. Her parents, representatives of the American upper middle class, paid for her ballet lessons. Currently, she is a student last class of the prestigious Maryland School of the Arts. Just preparing for a major performance, which may become a ticket to a professional career.Tyler Gage is a good boy who grew up in a poor neighborhood among car thieves. Has a great talent for dancing. Be demolished theater hall in the school is sentenced to 200 hours of community service in this space. Nora's partner is injured, and she notes that the poor boy famous as an outstanding and replacement of an ideal partner for the dance. After some time, Tyler and Nora make friends with each other and work together to join the dance. After many days of training two young dancers enter a contest against many well-known and famous people. Win the contest, but pay great attention to each other and attract each other. Both proposals are given a chance to dance and have the great career. The school is very proud of them, and Tyler fulfills his dream of dancing.
I think that "Step Up" is worth seeing not only by teenagers. In my opinion, a movie attracts curious spectators and their content. This film I highly recommend it, and liked to watch.
Hole already being Clark dreamt about dancer's career child. Her parents, representatives of American higher class of average, they bribed her lessons of ballet. Girl is pupil at present ostatniej prestige class Maryland School of The Arts. It prepares to very important performance just, which can stand to professional career with pass.
Tyler Gage this the good boy who brought up in poor district among thieves of cars. My huge talent to dance. For it demolishing at school theatrical hall it becomes sentenced on 200 hours of social works in this place. Nory's partner becomes injured, for what girl notices this prominent poor boy as prominent and ideal partner on substitution to dance. After sure time Tyler and they make friends with me Nora and they approach common work over dance. After many days practices two approach to competition dancers' young before many well-known and famous men. They win competition, they near what pay back on me great attention and they attract to me different. Both receive the proposals of dance as well as they have on great career chance. The school is with them very proud, and Tyler, becoming free of charge from making up the demolishing the hall, it fulfils his dreams dancing.
I think, that "Grassland up” it is the guard of look round by teenagers not only. My sentence film attracts spectators very and it intrigues with one's content. This film spodobał me very and I command him to look at.