mam problem z takim zadaniem. czy ktoś wytłumaczy mi o co w tym chodzi ? i jak to się ogólnie nazywa (w sensie mowa zależna, zdania warunkowe etc.) ? i czy znacie stronki które mi by pomogły zrozumieć dokładniej o co tu chodzi ?
zadanie: Transform these sentences so that they give the same information. If there is a word given, you must use it. Use different structures whenever possible. 1. We don't like it that he always comes late. We would ........ (i jak, bo ja nie wiem. :( ) 2. You are often rude and I don't like it. I'd prefer ....... 3. The boss would like you to work more. The boss would prefer .... 4. Henry hopes she won't tell anyone about it. Henry would prefer .... 5. Ben always forgets his money and then asks everybody to lend him some. (i to ma być ze słówkiem - forever). Ben ...... 6. It is so typical of her son - promise to do something and then pretend to forget about it. her son ....... 7. Every Sunday my grandfather came to us and took us for a walk. Every Sunday my grandfather .... 8. We don't think it's a good idea of yours to let them know about the party. we'd rather ...... oczywiście, nie musicie wszystkich zdań robić, ale byłabym bardzo wdzięczna za pomoc.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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to żadne mowy zależny itp. poprostu musisz przekształcić zdania tak żeby miały to samo znaczenie ale używając innych słów i struktury gramatycznej
1. we hate his permanent lating were nicer or more cultural
4.she keep the secret/to keep the secret by her
5.never take his money forever
7.and we walk
8.not tell them about the party
dziwne masz to zadanie co w miare ogarnełam to zrobiłam raczej bedzie dobrze