Mam parę zadań , proszę niech ktoś pomoże . Mam dużo nauki i nie mam czasu na nie . Proszę pomóżcie !
1 . Uzupełnijcie puste luki .
A:Why are you tired ?We only ran for two minutes .
B.I know . I'm ............(fit) to run .
A;Why don't you do more exercise?
B.I.m ...........(lazy),and i don't like running . something relaxing like yoga .
b.Yoga?no , it's .........(boring)
a.yes i understan that . it is .................(exciting)for me ,either . well ,c hange your diet . how much do you weigh?
b.abour 120 kilos .
A.that's...........(heavy).perhaps the food you eit is ..........(healthy).
b.but i's 60 . i'm .............(old)to change my diet now .'re never...........(old) to be careful with your should always try to have helathy habits!
2.write seven sentences using should or shouldn't to give advice . you can use the sentences in 12 to help you .
1 . To look after your heart you should eat a lot of fresh fruit and vegerables .
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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