A village is usually small, quiet and peacefull. Although there are some loud and noisy ones. Most of the people living in a village are qiute old and you can never sit down, as there is always someone knocking at your door and asking for diffrent things. For example sugar, milk and other simple things that you can't buy as there is no shop. Only once in two day's comes a green van, that brings all the supplies, similar to a shop.
A village is usually small, quiet and peacefull. Although there are some loud and noisy ones. Most of the people living in a village are qiute old and you can never sit down, as there is always someone knocking at your door and asking for diffrent things. For example sugar, milk and other simple things that you can't buy as there is no shop. Only once in two day's comes a green van, that brings all the supplies, similar to a shop.