Mam opisać na plakacie mój dzień. Chce zamieścić tam takie informacje po angielsku: Wstaję o 7:00 Jem śniadanie o 7:05 Ubieram się o 7:30 Idę na przystanek autobusowy o 8:00 Zaczynam lekcje o 9:00 Przychodzę ze szkoły o 17:00 W wolnym czasie gram na komputerze Odrabiam lekcje o 18:00
I get up at 7:00 I eat breakfast at 7:05 I get dressed at 7:30 am I'm going to the bus stop at 8:00 I start classes at 9:00 am I come from school at 17:00 In my spare time I play on the computer Do my homework at 18:00
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suluuuuu2004 I get up about 7:00 I eat breakfast about 7:05 I get dressed about 7:30 I go on bus halt about 8:00 I begin lessons about 9:00 I come with school about 17:00 I in free time play on computer I do lessons about 18:00
I eat breakfast at 7:05
I get dressed at 7:30 am
I'm going to the bus stop at 8:00
I start classes at 9:00 am
I come from school at 17:00
In my spare time I play on the computer
Do my homework at 18:00
I get up about 7:00
I eat breakfast about 7:05
I get dressed about 7:30
I go on bus halt about 8:00
I begin lessons about 9:00
I come with school about 17:00
I in free time play on computer
I do lessons about 18:00