This town is a big town. There is museum, hotel, library, police station..(wymieniasz). There is everything what people need. This is colorful and nice town. There is park which is big and beautiful. Park is decoration of this town. There is many things which young people loves, for example: cinema, theatre or art gallery. This town is save because there is police station and hospital. So..
This town has everything what good town should have.
The imageispresented tothe city.It shows theoffices,police,hospitalandvariousothernudynki.It iscolorful.I reallylike it.I would likeitto haveyourownhouse;)
City Hallis onit.I suspectthatthereisestablishedthe President.That's a bigcity.You maybeconfused.ColorsareverywellmatchedThis town is a big town. There is museum, hotel, library, police station..(wymieniasz). There is everything what people need. This is colorful and nice town. There is park which is big and beautiful. Park is decoration of this town. There is many things which young people loves, for example: cinema, theatre or art gallery. This town is save because there is police station and hospital. So..
This town has everything what good town should have.