October 2018 1 21 Report

mam napisane opowiadanie na angielski, które ma się zacząć od słów: it was a terrible night. całość ma wynosić okolo 250 słów. chcialbym poprosic o zredagowanie blędów.
It was terrible night. I thought that everything was carefully planned. unfortunately, I was wrong...
Me and my classmates decided to do camping near the lake in the forest. We made a list of necessary equipment. The next stage was preparing and packing this all. It was for example a tent, sleeping bags, pots, flashlights and food.. Everything was perfect.
Our expedition started at 5p.m.. The way throuh the forest wasn't difficult. However, it was very long trip because it had over 30km. Michal was our leader and guide. After 2hours walk we took a short break. It was getting dark and we decide to continue the march. From the sky started to fall first drops of rain. We dressed raincoasts. When it was completly dark we used our flashlights.
After next 2hours, at 10p.m.' batteries in flashlights began to weaken. it was still raining too. It became very dull. Suddenly Michal told us that we were lost...
I tried to use my mobile phone but there weren't any range. It was a real nightmare. We decide to set up the camp and wait until the morning. The night was very terrible. we can't sleep. We didn't talk with each other. The soundsof broken branchesterrified all. Somewhere in the distancewe heardthe howling ofwolves.
Suddenly,we saw ahelicopter which patrolled thearea. We gave hima sign of fire. One mansends downto the lineand decided tohelp us.

We came to our homes in the morning. We never moretalked aboutthis adventure.

Life Enjoy

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