Mam napisac list formalny zawierajacy te 5 punktów najwazniejszych ( jesli sie ktos orientuje to wie o czym mowie) o tresci :
Przeczytałes w gazecie artykuł krytykujący koncert rockowy na którym byłeś !! -podaj z jakimi informacjami sie nie zgadzasz ? -wyjsnij ze niektóre błedy wywodziły sie z błedu organizatora -podaj swoją opinię na temat koncertu i uzasadnij !! -wyraz nadziejeże wydawca opublikuje również inne opinie na temat koncertu .
Bardzo prosze o dobre zrobienie tej pracy pilnie potzrebuje na jutro z góry dziekuje bo stawka w punktach jest wysoka !!!!
Lately I have read your article about Rock Concert and i must say that i cant agree on some points that you have written about it. First of all i dont thnik that people there were doing bad thnigs like you have mentioned. That's totally normal that some people have just got drunk too much but it happnes alwyas and everywhere. Then you said that the band was not singing live what i aslo dont agree becaouse i have talked to one of the singer and he has shown me thier new equipment that they were using during this music show. Unfortunately some mistakes were made by organiser so it could seem like they were using playback. I tnhik that this concert was a really good one becouase people had fun and were really enjoying this time. I also think that the Band was very honest so we shoud appreciate it. I hope that you will aslo public some good, different thnigs about this concert becouse it is worth it .
Lately I have read your article about Rock Concert and i must say that i cant agree on some points that you have written about it. First of all i dont thnik that people there were doing bad thnigs like you have mentioned. That's totally normal that some people have just got drunk too much but it happnes alwyas and everywhere. Then you said that the band was not singing live what i aslo dont agree becaouse i have talked to one of the singer and he has shown me thier new equipment that they were using during this music show. Unfortunately some mistakes were made by organiser so it could seem like they were using playback. I tnhik that this concert was a really good one becouase people had fun and were really enjoying this time. I also think that the Band was very honest so we shoud appreciate it. I hope that you will aslo public some good, different thnigs about this concert becouse it is worth it .
Your sincerely