August 2018 3 16 Report
Mam napisać opis mojego domu :) Tu jest parę wskazówek.
Jest żółty, dość duży ,ma czerwony dach, na dole znajduję się garaż, podwórko jest nie wielkiej wielkości,za domem znajduję się nie wielki ogródek , wkoło rosnie pare drzew i takie tam :)

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Czy to zadanie jest napisane poprawnie ???Proszę o szczerość. I jeżeli będą błędy proszę mi powiedzieć jakie :)Z góry dzięx. The life of Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci really his name was Leonardo di sier Piero da Vinci. He was born on April 15, 1492 years at 23:30 in Anachio in Italy. Leonardo was Italian painter, architect, plilosopher, musican, poet, exlorer, mathematican, phisicisist, geologist. He had a lot of interest. Leonardo learned in Florence. He painted many famous paintigis, such as: Mona Liza, The last Supper, Lady with an Ermine, Madonna Benois. He admired the works of his people. Leonardo also painted the humany anatomy. He was a special paint in his life. . He wrote work in strange and difficult to understand way. doing it on purpose so that no one took advantage of his work after his death, luckily for researchers managed to decipher what Leonardo had in mind. thanks to them we now know was a man of remarkable this extraordinary man in modern times, even became the inspiration for contemporary directors or writers. created surely hit the World book - "The Da Vinci Code", which in turn was the inspiration for the creation of world cinema film of the same title. In my opinion this person is very interesting and controversial . In this time We can only regret that in our time don't live similar person . Ifi Leonardo da Vinci live now I think that the world look different . who knows if, instead of ride the bus to school did not fly special vehicles . Unfortunately In 1518 years Leonardo seriously ill. I. According to legend, died at the hands of the French King 2 May 1519 years .

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