Mam napisać e-maila po angielsku z ćw.5 str 44 z ksiązki do 2 gimnazjum New Exam Challenges według podanych punktów:
-Say you would love to go to the party but you are not free on Saturday 14th.
- Suggest a day and a good place for the party
- Use at least three of these words: actually,anyway,by the way.luckily.unfortunately.
Polecenie do tego zdania jest następujące :
Imagine that you receive this email . Reply using the information in the box
email ma się zacząć od
Thanks for your email. I'd love .....
Błagam na pomoc musze oddać to już jutro . Dam Naj :D:D
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Thanks for your email, I'd love to go to the party but unfortunately I am busy on Satuday the 14th. Anyway, on Satuday on the 2nd of May I am free so we can meet. Actually, I know a really great place in Newton, Kresko's Bar. They have a fantastic pizza there. By the way, would you like to bring some chips/alcohol/CDs to the party? It would be really nice of you ;D Take care.