Mam na jezyk angielski opisac siebie i rodzine.
Mam na imie Krzysztof i mieszkam w tarnobrzegu.Mam 13lat i chodze do 1 klasy gimnazjum .Jestem niezbyt wysokim blondynem.Moja rodzina sklada sie z 4 osob.Ja mama tata oraz brat .Moja mama ma na imie Elzbieta i ma 36lat.Pracuje w zakladzie farmaceutycznym w nowej debie jako Laborant Kontroli Jakosci (chyba tak sie nazywa)Moj tata Ma na imie Robert i ma 40lat.Pracuje w Firmie budowlanej.Brat ma na imie Tomek ma 11 lat i chodzi do 5 klasy szkoly podstawowej .W mojej rodzinie mieszka jeszcze chomik Max.Jest juz u nas 2 lata.
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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I'm Krzyś ;) i'm from in Tarnobrzeg i'm 13 old and go to the 1 class. my family It consists 4 persons.My mum is name Elżbieta, have 36 old.My dad is name Robert,have 40 old.Brother is name Tomek , have 11 old and go to 5 class in my family from hamster-Max .Is boat 2 old
My name is Krzysztof and i live in tarnobrzeg.I'm thirteen years old and I go to 1 class gynasium.I'm not blond high.My family consists of four persons;I,mother,fatcherand brother.My mom's name is Elżbieta and she is thirty-six years old.She works in pharmaceutical plant in new deby as Quality Control laboratory worker.My dad's name is Robert and he is fourthy years old.He works for a construction company.My brother's name is Tomek and he is eleven years old.It is the fifth-grade elementary school.In my family live too hamster Max.It is no longer with us for two years.
Pozdro. :D