Mam na imię Agata. Mam 15 lat. pochodze z Polski. Uczę się w Gimnazium nr 1. Mam długie, proste blond włosy. Mam 163 cm wzrostu. Noszę okulary. moja mama ma na imię Grażyna a tata Andrzej. Mama ma krótkie ciemne włosy i brązowe oczy. Tata ma ciemnewłosy i zielone oczy. Najstarszy brat ma na imię Krzysztof. On ma 27 lat. Jego narzeczona ma na imię Paulina. Drugi brat ma na imię Marcin. ma 24 lata. Jego żona ma na imię Kasia.
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My name is Agata. I'm 15. I come from Poland. I am studying in High School no. 1. I have a long, straight blond hair. I wear a glasses. My mother's name is Grażyna and my father's name is Andrzej. My mother has a short dark hair. My father has a dark hair and green eyes. My the oldest brother's name is Krzysztof. He is 27. His fiancee's name is Paulina. My second brother's name is Marcin. He is 24. His wife's name is Kasia.
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My name's Agata. I have 15 years. I am coming from Poland. I am learning at the secondary school No. 1. I have the long, straight blonde hair. I have 163 of the height. I am wearing glasses. my mum has to the name Grażyna but the Dad Andrzej. The mum has short dark hair and brown eyes. The Dad has dark hair and green eyes. The one's elder brother has to the name Krzysztof. He has 27 years. The girl has him to the name Paulina. The other brother has to the name Marcin. has 24 years. The wife has him to the name Kasia.