Shrek 2 (2004), directed by Andrew Adamson, Conrad Vernon and Kelly Asbury is animation comedy film. The main stars are Mike Mayers (Shrek), Eddie Murphy (Donkey), Cameron Diaz (Princess Fiona), Antonio Banderas (Cat in Boots), John Cleese (King Harold), Julie Andrews (Queen Lilian), Jennifer Saunders (Fairy Godmother), Rupert Evertt (Prince of Cartoon).
The film start like this :?Behind seven mountains, behind seven rivers there lived a big, green ogre?. Ogre whose name is Shrek is main character. This film tells about Shrek, his wife Fiona and his friends. When Shrek and Fiona came back from their honeymoon they found an invitation to a royal ball from Fiona?s parents. They travelled to the kingdom of Far Far Away. Parents were very surprised when they saw Shrek and angry. The ogre left the kingdom and resolved to drink magic mixture which matter that he will be beautiful men, but this change is not permanently. Unfortunately in this time his wife was in trap. Handsome Prince Charming wanted to marry Fiona. All in all Shrek arrived and saved wife from Prince Charming.
In ?Shrek 2? I really like excellent animation which made all characters so natural and really well made. Disadvantage in this film is music. I think the film isn?t too long (93 minutes). Donkey is very funny.
I really enjoyed Shrek 2. It?s definitely worth seeing. Don?t miss it!
Shrek 2 (2004), directed by Andrew Adamson, Conrad Vernon and Kelly Asbury is animation comedy film. The main stars are Mike Mayers (Shrek), Eddie Murphy (Donkey), Cameron Diaz (Princess Fiona), Antonio Banderas (Cat in Boots), John Cleese (King Harold), Julie Andrews (Queen Lilian), Jennifer Saunders (Fairy Godmother), Rupert Evertt (Prince of Cartoon).
The film start like this :?Behind seven mountains, behind seven rivers there lived a big, green ogre?. Ogre whose name is Shrek is main character. This film tells about Shrek, his wife Fiona and his friends. When Shrek and Fiona came back from their honeymoon they found an invitation to a royal ball from Fiona?s parents. They travelled to the kingdom of Far Far Away. Parents were very surprised when they saw Shrek and angry. The ogre left the kingdom and resolved to drink magic mixture which matter that he will be beautiful men, but this change is not permanently. Unfortunately in this time his wife was in trap. Handsome Prince Charming wanted to marry Fiona. All in all Shrek arrived and saved wife from Prince Charming.
In ?Shrek 2? I really like excellent animation which made all characters so natural and really well made. Disadvantage in this film is music. I think the film isn?t too long (93 minutes). Donkey is very funny.
I really enjoyed Shrek 2. It?s definitely worth seeing. Don?t miss it!