Mam do napisania pracke: Moje spotkanie z kosmitą oczywiście po angielsku;D z góry dzięki;Pi
MY MEETING WITH EXTRATERRESTIAL I did meet a extaterrestial. He was green. He has got six eyes and six hands. On his two feets there were blue shoes. We talked about his planet. His planet`s name Snikers. On his planet there are ninety metres trees and realy big animals. Other extaterrestials are coloured. His mother is yellow and his father is black. He flyed here his space vehicle. It was realy small. About three cm. In the end extaterrestial to get his vehicle and flyed to his planet.
I did meet a extaterrestial. He was green. He has got six eyes and six hands. On his two feets there were blue shoes. We talked about his planet. His planet`s name Snikers. On his planet there are ninety metres trees and realy big animals. Other extaterrestials are coloured. His mother is yellow and his father is black. He flyed here his space vehicle. It was realy small. About three cm. In the end extaterrestial to get his vehicle and flyed to his planet.