Make the list of instruction and prohibitions for those activities please report it in front of the class. 1. activities that i should do ( 5 buah) 2.activities that i should not do ( 5 buah) temanya : to go on a camping trip. dan buat juga alasannya y. cth: activities that i should do (please bring tent. beucase bla bla bla... terserah apa alasanya yang penting ada y alasanya dalam bahasa inggris.)
Instruction - please take the aid box because someone just fell down, hurry up! - Hey, please take my food box! it's in the tent, thank you - bring me your rope, i need to tightening this tend! - put your things inside the tent! - please build the tent seriously!
prohibition - don't go over there! it's dangerous, too much wild animals! - do not bring your cellphone because the leader said so! - it's forbidden to sleep late at night, because next morning we must get up early for packing our things - do not bring any sharp things like knife of whatever that is dangerous - do not spoke nonsense here because we're camping at mystic place
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apa pengertian dari instructiaon nomor 1 dan 2 saya tidak mengerti.
maksud dari semua instruction yang kamu buat.
instruction no 1. tolong ambilkan kotak obat karena ada yang jatuh, cepat ya!, no 2. halo, tolong ambilkan kotak makanan ku, ada di dalam tenda, makasih. no 3, ambilkan talimu, aku perlu kencangkan tenda ini, no 4. letakkan barang barangmu didalam tenda!, no 5. tolong bangun tenda ini dengan serius!
instruction yg saya minta itu bukan begitu mis: kita harus membawa tenda, membawa senter,dll. alasanya ntuk apa kita membawa tenda dan senter itu maksud saya.
oh. kalo gt saya ganti instruction no 2, 4 dan 5 sj ya, krn no 1 & 3 sudah bener. no 2. Please bring your torch because it's dark at night, no 4. please remember to bring the tent because if not we've no place to sleep tonight, no 5. Bring the cookware and the foods if not we can't eat for dinner
kalau yang probition bisa dibuat lain gx krn masih ada yang salah juga
udh bener, kalo salah cari sendiri deh :) appreciate ya kalo orang udah jawab :)
kalau yang probition bisa dibuat lain gx krn masih ada yang salah juga
y, maaf! dan terima kasih atas jawaban mu
- please take the aid box because someone just fell down, hurry up!
- Hey, please take my food box! it's in the tent, thank you
- bring me your rope, i need to tightening this tend!
- put your things inside the tent!
- please build the tent seriously!
- don't go over there! it's dangerous, too much wild animals!
- do not bring your cellphone because the leader said so!
- it's forbidden to sleep late at night, because next morning we must get up early for packing our things
- do not bring any sharp things like knife of whatever that is dangerous
- do not spoke nonsense here because we're camping at mystic place