Make notes about a film you like. PLISS NA JUTRO :<
Name of film; X men Type of film : Action Starring : Hugh jackman
The main characters : Wolverine My favourite character : Mystique Adjectives : she is cool and adventurous
the story is : there is a mutant school and magneto (the bad villain) thinks that they cant work with the humans so a big battle goes on, one side fighting for the humans and the other to kill every human. the characters are : professor X, Jane, wolverine, Rouge, magneto, mystique it has a happy ending.
Type of film : Action
Starring : Hugh jackman
The main characters : Wolverine
My favourite character : Mystique
Adjectives : she is cool and adventurous
the story is : there is a mutant school and magneto (the bad villain) thinks that they cant work with the humans so a big battle goes on, one side fighting for the humans and the other to kill every human.
the characters are : professor X, Jane, wolverine, Rouge, magneto, mystique
it has a happy ending.