Napisz maila do kolegi z angli w którym napiszesz
jaka jest pogoda co robisz i co robią czlonkowie twojej rodziny.
(nie wiem coto jest ale ma to być w lub z) present continuous
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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How are things? Sorry I haven't written for weeks but I was really busy.
I'm in my grandparents' hause in the seaside. The weather is beautiful and the sun is shining. Now I'm at the beach with my family and I'm playing cards with my grandfather. My mum is reading a book and my dad is taking photos. My little sister is swimming and she looks so funny.
We are having a great time there. Hope you have nice time too.
Take care!
Mam nadzieje że pomogłam :)
Hello there bud (=kolega)!
How are you doing? Hope things are going pretty well for you! I haven't heard from you for weeks!
I'm writting to you cause it's been a long time since there was such a traffic in my house! Two of our friends' families came here and everybody is doing something, and there are my other relatives too! All our three mothers are talking like addicted and drinking coffee in the daily room. Me and my friends are sitting here and all of them are playing a video game, except for Marie who's drawing some beautiful portrait. Also, my cousins were about to come, but it doesn't seem like they will. My father and his friends are watching a football match in TV and crunching loads of crisps and saltsticks (=paluszki słone). Things gone completely crazy!
Hope to hear from ya soon!
Warm regards, <Twoje imię>