Napisałam list, ale nie jestem pewna czy dobrze. Chodzi mi głównie o sprawdzenie błędów i/lub wskazanie, ktróre zdanie usunąć czy dodać ;D
ps. chodzi mi o to czy dobry czas zastosowałam ;)
Dear Sim/ Madam.
I am writing to apply to study Biology at the University of Oxford.
My full name is xyz. I am sixteen years old and I live in ..., a small town in Poland, with my parents, one sister and two brothers.
I am learning in Lyceum in ... too. My subjects are Biology and Chemistry. I want study Biology, because I care fauna and flora. In the free time I listen to music and read a book. My favourite kinds of music are pop and rock. I love swimming, travelling and meeting with my friends.
My dream is to be a teacher of biology. I want to study in Oxford, because it has a very good reputation and I would like to see a Big Ben.
I look forward to your reply.
Yours seincerely
A tak poza tym: jak zadanie zostanie rozwiązane zostanie ono usunięte, chodzi mi głównie o to, żeby nikt nie skopiował tej pracy, np poprzez wyszukanie przez wyszukiwarke ;]]
" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "
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Dear Sim/ Madam.
I am writing to apply to study Biology at the University of Oxford.
My full name is xyz. I am sixteen years old and I live in ..., a small town in Poland, with my parents, one sister and two brothers.
I am learning in A HIGH SCHOOL. My subjects are Biology and Chemistry. I want TO study Biology, because I care ABOUT fauna and flora. In the free time I listen to music and read BOOKS. My favourite KIND of music are pop and rock. I love swimming, travelling and meeting with my friends.
My dream is to be a teacher of biology. I want to study in Oxford, because it has a very good reputation and I would like to see a Big Ben.
MIZERIA. Powinnaś pracować więcej nad słownictwem. Generalnie list jest poprawnie napisany pod względem gramatycznym. Niewielkie błędy leksykalne poprawiłem, ale język i styl są na poziomie podstawówki.