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Dear Sir /Madam I wrote to complain for a washing machine who I recently took from your company. When I used the machine for the first time properly it worked and the clothes come out clean and fresh. Also, when I used the machine the second time, it seemed to have been malfunc tion while the rinse cycle. The clothes still had quite a lot of soap in them when I have taken them out.
Furthermore, when I washing another load of laundry the same thing happened. In addition to this, the machine did not hit the water to the right temperature. Even though I had turned the dial to 50°c, the water in the machine remained cold throughout the entire cycle.
I assume you will replace the washing machine as it is obviousIy wrong. I hope the matter will resolve promptly
Yours faithfuly nancy Gillis
Tekst poprawiony:
I am writing to complain about a washing machine which I recently bought from your company. When I used the machine for the first time it worked properly and the clothes come out clean and fresh. However, when I used the machine the second time, there seemed to have been malfunc tion during the rinse cycle. The clothes still had quite a lot of soap in them when I took them out.
Furthermore, when I washed another load of laundry the same thing happened. In addition to this, the machine did not heat the water to the right temperature. Even though I had turned the dial to 50°c, the water in the machine was cold throughout the entire cycle.
I assume you will replace the washing machine as it works wrong. I hope the matter will be resolved promptly.