October 2018 1 21 Report

Zadanie 1
Read the questions in columns A and B. Then listen to the conversation. Which wuestions do they ask?
Have you ever.... When was that?
...ridden a motorbike? Where were you?
...visited a another country? Was it good?
...been to a sports event? Who was with you?
...performed on stage? Did you take any photos?
...owned a pet? Do you want to do it again?
...won a prize?

Zadanie 2
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs/

1.My father...(sail) when he fell into the water.
2.We...(live) in this area since 2004.
3.My father...(go) to the same primary school
4.My mother...(work) in Scotland now.
5.I hope that I...(be) happy when I/m older

Read the article. Complete the sentences with five ideas from MIkki and Brian's lists.

I really like the idea of SWIMMING WITH DOLPGINS
1.I really like the idea of...(verb+-ing)
2.I really want to...(verb)
3.I've always wanted to....(verb)
4.I've never really wanted to....(verb)
5.I'm not interested in...(verb+-ing)

Mikki Kent:
1.Swim with dolphins
2.Go to Antarctica
3.Meet all of my cousins
4.Learn to play the guitar
5.Make my parents proud
6.Kiss Brad Pitt

Brian Tomlins
1.Play football in Wembley Stadium
2.Go scuba diving
3.See elephants in the wild
4.Visit Disneyland
5.RIde a horse on the beach
6.See an active volcano

Life Enjoy

" Life is not a problem to be solved but a reality to be experienced! "

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